Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wasting company time is really a good thing

Well, it's really been a while now (3 months) since I last posted anything but what can you do? I've been busy and no one really reads this blog anyway, and blah blah blah. Whatever.

So I found this this morning. Apparently the BBC News is reporting that playing video games while at work is actually good for the company. It keeps employee's overall moral up about their job, and it keeps them being productive because playing the games act like coffee breaks, giving the brain a minute or two to recoup from having to work 8 hours straight (but who really works 8 hours straight in front of a computer. I'm at work right now writing this, but don't tell my boss).

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Now I really can't wait for Christmas

When the first Aliens Vs Predator came out I initially thought it was going to be a horrible movie. But then it came out on DVD and I resigned myself to sit down and watch it, only to find that I loved it.

This Christmas when this comes out, there's no way I'll miss it in the theaters.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

That's it. The future world of the Terminator is now just around the corner. Check out this video from Sony and tell me you can't imagine that we're in a pre-Matrix, pre-post-apocalyptic society.

Dancing Robots

Next thing we know, these robots are going to be rounding us up to be used as batteries. And I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords and hopefully, with my enthusiasm to join their human farms, will be made into an important person in their virtual simulation of our world, created to keep us pleasant. Maybe a king, or even a czar.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #20

I did say that I'd be posting all sorts of different things here, including comic reviews. Well, over on, my most recent review is of Spider-Man Love Mary Jane #20 and no this isn't about Spider-Man's struggle to help get cannabis legalized. It's a comic series set in the early, High School years of Spider-Man, but the story is told through the years of Mary Jane, so it's much more character driven then most of the other Spider-Man titles out there today.

I've been reviewing this series since it first came and and for the most part I absolutely loved it, and with Sean McKeever leaving to go write at DC, and with Terry Moore finishing his independent comic Strangers In Paradise, Moore is just a perfect candidate to pick up the writing chores of this series.

Anyway, here's the review:

Thursday, August 9, 2007

What you don't know could get you fired

Well it's my birthday and how else should I be celebrating it, how else but by watching Sexual Harassment videos at work.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Metroid Tunes

Metroid was always one of my all time favorite games on the NES and I even loved the second game that appeared on the GameBoy, even though most fans of the franchise think it's the weakest of the games. Listening to some of the music that was played in these games, I can't help but marvel at how much these instrumental midi files are so ingrained into my brain. Just hearing the first note or two and I know all the sequential notes to following.

At this site,, you can hear the original versions of the music, plus a "Metal" version.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Adam Hughes - Anatomy of a Sketch

I found this a little while ago on someone else's blog pointing me to this blog entry. Ever wonder what it's like to be able to draw like one of the industry's top comic book artist? Yeah, me too. I even have a little talent of my own but I'm no where near where the professionals are. But still. Watching something like this, I can feel my creative juices wanting to flow. Makes me want to go home and pull out a sketchbook and do a little drawing.

Adam Hughes - Anatomy of a Sketch

Friday, June 22, 2007

Classic Nintendo Music

I might be the only person who can listen to these Midi files and feel the slight tug of nostalgia bringing me back to my youth spent sitting on the floor of my living room, still wearing my PJs, in front of my parents' TV set playing for hours and hours trying to get to that last, well, it wasn't a cut scene back then, usually just an image or two with a bunch of text saying how great I am. Usually this was pretty early in the morning so as to guarantee that I wouldn't have to give up the TV to someone else would wanted to actually use it to watch something, instead of "playing those foolish videa games".

It's strange that, with just the first few notes on these files, I can vividly see that title screen from the game the music played in. Makes me wonder what else is stored deep within my head (doesn't make me wonder too much though, wouldn't want to stir up that too much).

So if you're like me and you played and loved most of the titles that are listed on the web site that's linked below, give them a listen and see where it is that they take you.

Nintendo Midi Music

Friday, June 15, 2007

Introduction, I guess

So I've created this blog even though I already have a LiveJournal account as well as a myspace page. What's the point? The point is that no one seems to use the Blog functionality on MySpace, plus it just feels like I'm constantly bombarded by advertising with every new page refresh. And I'm slowly growing bored with LiveJournal. I'm tired of writing about the mundane occurrences that make up my life; I go to work each morning and I come home each night, weekends I spend time fixing up my house and going on small mini-adventures, etc. etc., blah, blah, blah. The sort of stuff no one is really interested in, causing the comments I get to become stagnant, and my friends list to slowly start shrinking down to just a few people who post on a semi-regular basis.

So here I am, over at Blogger, starting a brand new blog, which will hopefully be a more rewarding experience (not sure what I'm expecting but time will tell) where I'll write about, obviously, things I find cool. Let me just tell you I like a lot of geeky, nerdy, and somewhat downright weird things . There will be tons of entries about comic books, including reviews, the state of Nascar, whichever video game I'm currently playing (as of right now that's mostly World of Warcraft, but I did just get Bully and I'm looking forward to diving into it any day now), movies, books, cross stitch (yeah, that's right, I cross stitch. Want to fight about it?), and whatever else I feel like writing about. I'll also throw in the random fictional entry to keep my creative juices flowing and don't worry, I'll let everyone know when they're about to read something I made up, but really, it'll be so outrageous that I probably won't have to. It's not like after reading my latest Blog update, you'll run outside screaming about how the dead are coming back to life (at least not in the foreseeable future).

So tell all your friends, inform your neighbors, mothers hide your daughters, there is a new blog starting today (yes I realize that a new blog constitutes about as much excitement as watching grass grow, and this is probably something like 1 out of a couple of thousand blogs that are starting this very day).